Why Choose Us?

We have industry knowledge, experience and deeper psychological understanding of human behaviour. Passionate about holistic wellbeing for individuals in a personal and corporate capacity

Transparent, Honest and Professional
Specific and Personalised recruitment packages
We manage both the client and candidates expectations

We go that extra Mile to make you smile.

Can’t is not part of our vocabulary, we rather under Promise and Over commit and attempt to help where we can, even it means putting you in contact with the right person.

Communication buffer between the candidate and Client

This helps ease the communication and clarifies those difficult questions that some may find more challenging to ask, fearing losing the opportunity and allows the white elephant scenario to be removed at the initial stages.

We want to meet your needs

Pinnatte Solutions will screen highly suitable candidates, interview them, assess them according to your requirements and specifications in a fast, effective and efficient process. Giving you the peace of mind that you will be receiving professional candidates of quality from the onset.